
I am originally from Baltimore Maryland and I am a diehard Ravens fan. I am a determined, passionate journalist who is dedicated to my community.

I graduated from Elon University (Go Phoenix) in 2017, where I majored in broadcast journalism and minored in public health. At Elon, I participated in the student-run news program, Elon News Network.

After graduating, I worked as a multimedia journalist in Wilmington, North Carolina for two years.

Currently, I’m a multi-skilled journalist at First Coast News in Jacksonville, Florida. I was the lead reporter on the state murder trial and the federal hate crimes trial for the men convicted of killing Ahmaud Arbery. I lived in Brunswick, Georgia for more than a month in a hotel, as I covered both cases.

I’ve covered a couple of other big stories that I’ve traveled for as well. In 2019, a firefighter from Jacksonville went missing at sea. My managers sent me to Port Canaveral, about two and a half hours south of Jacksonville, to cover the search. They also sent me up to Charleston, South Carolina, about four hours north of Jacksonville, as the search progressed.

Also in 2019, a woman in Jacksonville reported her five-year-old daughter missing. The search led investigators to her hometown in Alabama. My managers sent me to Alabama to cover the search that ultimately resulted in investigators finding the little girl’s remains.

I also was the only reporter in the market to get a one-on-one with Dr. Anthony Fauci during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

You can find segments from each of those stories under the stories tab.

Feel free to reach out to me by email at kaileyatracy@gmail.com.